Posted on February 18th 2022 by Super Admin

The Met Christmas Tree 2022 appeal is now open.

Please click here to donate present for a child in need this Christmas.

The Met Christmas Tree Appeal is run in partnership with the Metropolitan Police over the festive season. To mark the launch of the appeal on the 23rd of November 2021, Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick, turned on the Christmas tree lights at New Scotland Yard with the help of this year’s school’s poster competition winner, Emmanuelle Baraka.

The Met Christmas Tree Appeal enables people to donate presents online for children in the care system across London. All 32 boroughs in London take part in the appeal and, alongside the distribution of presents, thousands of books, jigsaws and toys are donated to the appeal by book publishers and businesses across the capital.

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Londoners, the 2021 appeal raised £91,220! Along with book and jigsaw donations, the £91,220 raised generated 28,451 presents that have been donated to 17,437 children living in London. The toys included soft toys for infants, art sets for school-age children, and vouchers for children over the age of 12. This fantastic amount of money exceeded our target, and so the excess funds have been allocated to charities that support children and young people living in poverty across London.

This was the 10th year of The Met Christmas Tree Appeal, and The Childhood Trust are proud to have worked in partnership with the Met on the appeal again this year.

Thank you again to everyone who donated to this year’s appeal! Your generous contributions have been invaluable to supporting vulnerable children across London.

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