Posted on December 6th 2023 by Millie Barrow

Our Big Give Christmas Challenge 2023 appeal has raised £4,744,965 – a huge 18% increase on last year’s Christmas Challenge! These funds will support the delivery of our Prepared for Life Programme, that consists of 88 projects across London, ranging from projects that provide hot, nutritious meals to hungry children to projects that provide safe play spaces, improve resilience and build confidence, helping children experiencing poverty to be better prepared for life. A huge heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated this year, together you’ve helped stop poverty from ruining the lives of so many children.

With the costofliving crisis forcing many more families into deep poverty, many children desperately need our help. We will be launching our Champions for Children appeal in June 2024 and need to raise a £1m match fund before then to enable this campaign so we are extremely grateful for your continued generosity 

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